Who we are
As a huge Lower Austrian building services company Maroscheck looks retrospectively back at more than 40 years of successful entrepreneurial history. With 75 employees the family business offers its customers the entire range of building services: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, installation of solar thermal systems, maintenance of existing constructions, repairing and fault-clearing services as well as sales of installation material.
What do we stand for?
As a company with long-time experience in planning, development and explication of building services with very good educated employees Maroscheck guarantees best quality and performs at a very high level in the area of building services. Maroscheck combines the advantages of a huge company with the benefits of a family business for its customers and stands for expertise and capacity as well as flexibility and reliability.
What is important for us?
For Maroscheck the focus of successful work tends to be on the human. Every single employee contributes something to the success of the company. The Klenk & Meder/Maroscheck family grows continuously. Besides the company’s employees a multiplicity of satisfied customers and business partner make that growing process possible. Maroscheck offers individual support and customer focus and for that reason is able to create a consistent growth. Customers and employees appreciate professionalism, handshake-quality and humanity. Furthermore Maroscheck is a socially engaged company that takes over responsibility for society and environment and does its best to keep its work sustainable.
Lotterien Wien
HTL St. Pölten
Sportzentrum NÖ
NÖ Pressehaus St. Pölten
Radelberger Getränke St. Pölten
Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf
Berger Fleischwaren
Bundesschülerheim Unterwagram
Buisness Center Ketzergasse Wien
Hotel Donauhof Zwentendorf
Donaukraftwerk Ybbs
Finanzamt Scheibbs
Gasometer Wien
Maroscheck GmbH St. Pölten
Hnilickastraße 13, A-3100 St. Pölten
Phone: +43 2742 850-0
Email: office@maroscheck.at